Fundraiser Ghana has started!
MediaMundial - NEA ONNIM

Hi friends!

👉 The fundraising for the NEA ONNIM project in Ghana has started!

In collaboration with the local community of Assin-Nkran, Biblionef Ghana and the PREDIOS Group, MediaMundial  is committed to realizing 'NEA ONNIM', a sustainable media library at the Assin-Nkran / Ngresi District Assembly School.

Designed with a strong emphasis on sustainability through the use of local resources and materials, this building incorporates a range of green building techniques including the use of rammed earth construction methods, harnessing solar energy through rooftop solar panels, the maximization of natural lighting with skylights and collecting rainwater for reuse and optimization.

Of course, money is needed to realize the media library. We bring together the necessary finances through various actions.
In 2024, two groups of students will travel with guidance to also physically contribute to the realization of this project. The participants pay for their own travel and accommodation there. Donations therefore entirely benefit the project!

Are you also participating? Every donation is greatly appreciated. Together we make a difference and write a new story.
And...oh yes, you can spread this message!

🙏🏾 Thank you! 🙏

Stay tuned and don't forget to follow us on
YouTube and Instagram!

📣 Fundraiser Ghana has started
ROTTERDAM – Two teams will contribute to the NEA ONNIM project in Ghana. Group Berk & Dirks and Wolfert Bilingual School in Rotterdam have both put together a group. They will be committed to fundraising in the coming period. Groep Berk & Dirks has now started this. Joint goal (minimum): € 30,000. You can help making a difference!
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